F.I.R.E.D UP with Krista Mashore

From Visions to Reality: The Power of a Personal Manifesto Ep. (842)



Let's dive into our next episode of the New Agent Series "Part 2: From Visions to Reality-The Power of a Personal Manifesto". Let's talk about the transformative practice of reading one's personal manifesto, specifically tailored for real estate agents aiming for success. Learn the significance of embodying the identity of a successful individual, explaining how this mindset shift can reprogram the brain to identify and seize opportunities for growth and achievement in the real estate sector. I will introduce to you the concept of becoming a "community market leader," where agents go beyond traditional roles to embed yourselves within your communities, becoming synonymous with real estate expertise and community involvement. I will share to you my personal journey, marked by overcoming substantial challenges, to illustrate the critical role a positive, success-oriented mindset plays in achieving professional milestones. Let's discuss the daily practice of affirming one's goals and aspirations through a manife