School For Startups Radio

February 7, 2024 - Change Management & How to be Funny Pat Dwyer Was Taken dot Com and Human Edge Lisa Danels



Pat Dwyer – Professional Speaker and Comedian at – How to be Funny  As an outside speaker, what we know from HR is that I can say the exact same thing as the company has been saying, but people hear me because I am different, because I am not something they hear every day. Pat Dwyer has captivated and motivated audiences worldwide. Pulling from his background in Improv and Sketch Comedy with legendary institutions The Second City, iO Theater, and ComedySportz, among others, Pat has merged these talents in training and performance with the strategic mindset he cultivated during the early days working at notable Chicago startups like Groupon and Ignite. As you could guess, Pat’s journey has since lent him an opportunity to help organizations all around the globe find their own unique blend of leadership and team enhancing effectiveness. Now, as a sought-after speaker at conferences, events, and association meetings, Pat brings his energetic, hilarious and wildly engaging approach to both