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[Top Agency Series] Powerful Retailer Business Design With Jean-Pierre Lacroix of Shikatani Lacroix Design



Jean-Pierre Lacroix is the Founder and President of Shikatani Lacroix Design, an international design firm specializing in creating immersive experiences that connect in the blink of an eye. He is also a registered graphic designer in Ontario, a credential that demonstrates his professional standards and ethics. As a visionary leader with over three decades of experience in the branding and design industry, Jean-Pierre has helped Fortune 500 companies transform their brands and organizations through his unique “ThinkBlink” process, which combines strategic foresight, design innovation, and consumer experience engineering. He is also an accomplished speaker, author, and educator who has shared his insights and expertise on global stages, in best-selling books, and at prestigious institutions. In this episode… Building a successful retail business requires significant effort and dedication, but one crucial aspect not to overlook is the value of design. Good design is essential for creating a powerful brand iden