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[Top Agency Series] Growing a Branding Agency: Mark Gascoigne’s Journey



Mark Gascoigne is the CEO of Trampoline Branding, a full-service marketing communications agency based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is highly experienced with over 30 years of work in professional marketing. Mark has a strong background in integrated marketing, communications, advertising, and marketing strategy. Before Trampoline Branding, he held various leadership positions at Twist & Bits, including Managing Director and Director of Strategic Services. In this episode… With so many businesses vying for attention in today's marketplace, it can be challenging to stand out. Creating a brand that resonates with customers and accurately reflects the company's mission and values is essential. Experienced marketing professional Mark Gascoigne says that branding is crucial for any business — it is how a company presents itself to the world, and it can significantly impact its success. A strong brand can help a company differentiate itself from competitors, build customer trust, and create a loyal following. Ho