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[Top Agency Series] Helping Agencies Add New SEO Offerings With Devon Bate



  Devon Bate is the Founder of SEO Brothers, a leading provider of white-label search engine optimization services and direct SEO services for agencies. SEO Brothers helps businesses enhance their online visibility and achieve top rankings in search engine results. Devon is an experienced SEO professional who helps companies of all sizes achieve their revenue growth goals using SEO and data analytics. Before his role at SEO Brothers, he served as the Lead SEO Specialist at Hoyes Michalos, where he successfully increased the company's organic performance by 33% year over year and improved its visibility in multiple cities across Ontario.  In this episode… As an expanding agency, adding value to your clients is vital to helping them grow. Search engine optimization can be an effective solution for achieving their business objectives while also providing a new revenue stream for your agency.  According to Devon Bate, SEO is a great way to help businesses enhance their online visibility and achieve top rankings i