Cls's The Weighing Machine

FinTech Trends That Help Advisors Win More Business with Orion's George Svagera and Ryan Donovan



The impact of fintech on financial advisory practices has been nothing short of transformative. The collaboration between fintech innovators and financial advisors not only drives innovation but significantly enhances the overall client experience, revolutionizing the way financial services are delivered and received. However, it is not merely about adopting technology. It's about being purposeful in adopting new technology and seeking solutions that align with the specific needs of their business.In this episode, Rusty and Robyn talk with Ryan Donovan, Senior VP of Institutional Sales, and George Svagera, Senior VP of Business Development for Enterprise at Orion. In his role, Ryan works to show registered investment advisors how Orion's technology and integrations can help them grow and improve efficiency. On the other hand, George oversees Orion's enterprise sales. He works with mainly broker-dealers, banks, and custodians in leveraging both the tech and wealth management sides.George and Ryan talk to Rusty