Cls's The Weighing Machine

Investing in High-Quality International Stocks with Polen Capital Management's Todd Morris and Daniel Fields



With some of the best, most innovative, and well-run businesses located beyond U.S. borders, limiting one's investments to the domestic market may inadvertently limit their portfolio's potential growth. While the world's economic activity is dynamic and diverse, smart investors are now exploring opportunities in previously seen as distant and foreign markets.In this episode, Rusty and Robyn talk with Daniel Fields and Todd Morris, portfolio managers and analysts at Polen Capital Management. Before joining Polen Capital, Daniel spent eight years in Hong Kong, working for Gavekal Capital and Marshall Wace LLP as a research analyst evaluating Asian growth companies. Todd worked in research and marketing roles with Prudential Insurance and Millennium Global Asset Management, respectively, and served in the U.S. Navy for seven years. Managing Polen Capital's international growth strategy, Daniel and Todd discuss with Rusty and Robyn the case for high-quality and international investing. They emphasize the importan