School For Startups Radio

January 19, 2024 - Thrift Books Ken Goldstein and Team Building Justin Follin



Ken Goldstein – CEO of Thrift Books – Largest Used Book Store Online and Author of Endless Encores: Repeating Success through People, Products, and Profits What bothers me are unfinished products. I don’t like the idea of a minimum viable product that you’re going to just dump on your customers and let them suffer with. I know that it has worked for an awful lot of entrepreneurs, I know that it is a buzzword that people care about, but going back to my Disney experience and Broderbund games when we were building Carmen San Diego and Mist, it’s all about the details. It’s about getting it right. Not being at 90% or 95% but being at 100%. Ken Goldstein has enjoyed an extensive career in senior management roles driving innovation in technology, media, entertainment, and e-commerce. He is currently chairman and chief executive officer of ThriftBooks Global, the largest online seller of used books in the world. He is also board chair of The Good Men Project, an expansive content site offering perspectives on soc