Fintech Impact

Year in Review 2023 with Guy Anderson | E307



On today's episode, Jason and Guy will reflect on 51 impactful episodes of Fintech Impact. From CRM evolution to the rise of AI in finance, this conversation explores cutting-edge trends and thought-provoking discussions that shaped the year, sharing insights into cybersecurity, marketing, and innovative solutions revolutionizing the advisory landscape.Episode Highlights:01:28: Jason shares insights from his speaking engagements at Future Proof and the IFP event, discussing the importance of technology in bridging the gap between advisors and the next generation of clients.02:56: Jason explores the pervasive nature of fintech, emphasizing its role as a tool for advisors to enhance value and service while staying competitive.08:37: Jason reflects on standout episodes from the year, mentioning Luminent's approach to understanding clients' values and Elements, a tool for efficient financial collaboration. He highlights the importance of these innovations in reshaping onboarding processes and improving financial