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Delegate, Elevate, Transform: Unlocking EOS® With Kevin Hundal



Kevin Hundal is a Certified EOS Implementer® with a rich background in entrepreneurship spanning over 20 years. He has built, scaled, and pivoted multiple companies, encountering unique challenges in areas such as people management, process optimization, cash flow, and leadership. Since 2009, Kevin has been employing the Entrepreneurial Operating System in his various ventures, gaining critical insights into the advantages and challenges of running a business with and without EOS®. Beyond his business acumen, Kevin has a talent for energizing teams and fostering a culture of collaboration. He specializes in breaking through operational ceilings by creating a unified team environment where each member can contribute in a meaningful way. With experience mentoring over 60 companies to achieve the $1 million mark and boasting an average client growth rate exceeding 15% year-over-year, Kevin focuses on instilling a blend of vision, traction, and health within businesses, irrespective of their size or industry. In