Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

The Answer Challenge: Are You Sure You're Getting the Right Answers for Your Business?



Have you ever wanted to ask for a raise, find out why something happened, or frame a question to encourage collaboration? We've all heard there is a "right way to ask a question." Chances are, if you were faced with any of these three questions, you've struggled to get the answers you want or need. Brian Gibkowski, our guest today, has a new book called Answer Intelligence: Raise Your AQ (IQ). The most interesting thing I learned was how often we ask lazy questions that aren't aimed at getting the right answer. His work helps you develop the skills to get the answers you need to make the best decisions. We talk about: How to answer questions during a job interview.How to ask questions and increase the chances of getting the "true" facts rather than the safe answers. Using story, procedure, and action to improve communication and reduce rework. How to provide discipline and intentionality in your meeting so you get the best answers. Brian Glibkowski, Ph.D. Dr. Brian Glibkowski is an author, researcher, and f