Angel Invest Boston

Ethan Pierce - AI Helps Kids Read



Aging Fit Substack: Learn More   Ethan Pierce’s startup Adaptive Reader makes great literature accessible to kids not reading at grade level. Harnessing generative AI with sophisticated prompts and quality control by humans creates compelling texts based on the classics. Ethan and his co-founder even have a promising business model. Great chat!   Sponsored by Purdue University entrepreneurship and Peter Fasse, patent attorney at Fish and Richardson.   Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Ethan Pierce Adaptive Reader and What it is Solving "... It's much better if they have this contact with the author, albeit in a structure that's simplified. After all, we're always reading Dante in the translation. We're reading Homer in the translation. It doesn't make it any less compelling..." Teachers' Opinions of Adaptive Reader "... That controversy, the conversation, the passion around helping these students read is really important and that's why we've been really grounded in research here and these conversations with t