More Money

S5, Ep 401: Invest in Yourself to Manifest More Money



When Annie started Manifest $10K, she didn’t have a place of her own, and she was sleeping on a friend's couch. She had money in her bank account but was afraid to invest in a new place to live. She is a single, self-employed mom.  After looking at her money story, she could see she held on tightly because it felt safe. As she worked through The Enchanted Circle, she started to change her story by seeing investing in rent as an investment in herself and her quality of life. The house she chose has become so much more than a place to live. It truly is an investment in herself. For that investment, she gets an office at no additional charge. She also gets to practice being her Future Self a lot in this house. One example is getting to choose design colors for some renovations. When you consciously invest in yourself, the return is always fabulous.  Annie has also adopted the saying, “I wonder how this is going to work out,” when something unexpected or undesired pops up. Most recently, her sitter canceled