HALO Talks

Episode #457: Centered Ai-The Future of Productivity with Steven Puri



Steven Puri, along with his friend Ulf, embarked on a mission to address the growing problem of stress and overwhelm in today's (extremely) fast-paced world. Both experienced moments where they felt stressed out and unable to fully enjoy life, due to an almost overwhelming number of tasks to complete. (Sound familiar?)  Determined to find a solution, they decided to harness the wisdom of experts who had written about stress management and turn it into a user-friendly app. Their app not only includes music and timers like other focus apps but also introduces the innovation of real-life coaches powered by artificial intelligence. Steven's passion for helping others lead more intentional and fulfilling lives drove him to develop this valuable tool. On the work-life balance dilemma, Puri states, "If you just focus, you can knock out [most] work before lunch! And then the open question is, what will I do with the extra time? Do I want to go have human interactions I didn't have time for before? Those are the sort