School For Startups Radio

November 15, 2023 - Texas Industrial VC Malcolm Peace and Financial Ed for Kids Maya Corbic



Malcolm Peace – President of Tsetserra Growth Partners      Life is a two out of three match. You can lose the first set and you can still win. Be prepared to endure and sometimes you might have to pivot, but even though you’ve lost the first set, doesn’t mean you were doing it incorrectly. It may not have been the right time for you to win. Malcolm Peace is president of Tsetserra Growth Partners (pronounced sit-Sarah), an investment firm in Texas that works with well-established businesses that have owners just about to retire who still want to see their businesses thrive. They identify profitable small businesses with revenues from $3.5 million to $12 million in stable industries, such as food & beverage, hospitality, manufacturing, logistics & distribution, and more. Malcolm and his team help rewrite the operating playbook of a company while maintaining the owner’s culture with a strong succession plan. Malcolm has a B.S. in Psychology from James Madison University and an M.B.A. from the Universi