What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#360 Sanjay Ayer - Portfolio Manager at WCM, Decoding the Psychology Behind Successful Investing and Self Discovery!



Today's episode is with Sanjay Ayer, Portfolio Manager at WCM Investment Management! This is an in-depth exploration of the intersections between investing, self-discovery, and cognitive mastery. Sanjay, recognized for his unique approach to investing and team dynamics, delves into how his profession has become a powerful tool for understanding personal biases, strengths, and areas for growth. Discover the power of strategic optimism and how embracing cognitive dissonance can transform your decision-making process. Sanjay shares his journey of overcoming mental barriers and the importance of introspection in both personal and professional life. He introduces us to the concept of “creative laziness,” an innovative approach to questioning assumptions and finding efficient solutions. We also get an insider look into how Sanjay fosters a culture of continuous improvement at WCM, balancing the drive for perfection with practical "guardrails." This episode is a deep dive into the art of active curiosity versus pass