More Money

S4, Ep 397: Using Law of Attraction After Getting Fired



A few months ago, your nanny job ended. What happened? I was nannying and had been kind of struggling with it for about a year at that point. It just got to a point where I couldn’t make it work. I did a lot of coaching with you about navigating and manifesting my way through those things, but none of it worked. Why wasn’t it like “Let me get a new job?” I had been force-telling myself that I could manifest it to be better. I could force a bad situation to be good instead of just exiting the situation into a better situation. And because a similar situation had happened in my last nanny job, I thought that I was the common denominator, so I should fix myself within the job. But really, I needed just to exit the field of nannying.  There were parallels between your last relationship and your relationship with that boss, tell us about that. My boss lacked compassion for me and my experiences within that job. Similar things happened with my ex-boyfriend all the time. He had no compassion or flexibility in any