Oasis Church Birmingham: Talks

7. Living Like Runners & Citizens - Adrian Hurst



Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, in an all-age service, Adrian explores Paul's encouragement for everyone who seeks to follow Jesus to live like runners and citizens - two metaphors for the Christian life that can help each of us journey with God in all we are living with. As it's an all-age meeting, there are a number of points where the congregation got into smaller groups to discuss questions - the gaps have been removed, but don't be afraid to pause the recording at those moments and consider your answers before moving on!