What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#358 Brian Johnson: Founder & CEO of Heroic, A Guide to Activating our Heroic Potential & Living with Arete



Brian Johnson is the Founder & CEO of HEROIC, a social training platform that Dr. Phil Stutz, subject of the Netflix documentary Stutz says, “will change your life.” I can attest that it’s an awesome resource for learning wisdom and helping make progress in your life.  Brian has a new book, ARETÉ: Activate Your Heroic Potential [Blackstone Publishing]! On this episode we will discuss: How to forge antifragile confidence in yourself. The Big 3 for building a great life. And how to activate your heroic potential! Brian is an accomplished entrepreneur and philosopher with over 25 years of experience. As the Founder and CEO of Heroic, he has successfully raised over $20 million, building and selling two leading social platforms. His Heroic membership and coaching program have impacted tens of thousands globally and are research-backed to be transformative. A digital influencer, Brian's YouTube channel has 225,000+ subscribers and 20 million views, and his podcast has 16 million downloads. He was also featur