Her | Mind Body Life

A New Way to Burn Calories at Your Desk



People have been trying for ages to make sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day healthier. Sitting on a ball, treadmill desks, standing desks, and more. Well, now there is another option: the FluidStance. Your natural micro-movements on this balance board will strengthen and stabilize your body, soothe stiff joints, burn calories, and keep you awake and alert — even through the overwhelming urge to curl up under your desk after lunch.But a FluidStance deck is but one aspect of a healthier workday. Regardless of your work environment, we believe everyone can incorporate walking meetings, reserve time to get outdoors, and set frequent stretch reminders—anything that gets you out of your seat and moving. When you're tied down with responsibilities, we want to provide you with the option of balance and motion. Joel Heath is the creator of FluidSTance and joins us today to talk about workplace productivity and movement. He is a Serial Entrepreneur, Brand Architect, President, and CEO offering vision and innovation to