Her | Mind Body Life

Starting The First-Ever Online Clinic for Women in Menopause



The M-word is back again this episode: Menopause.The way we talk about it menopause is changing, from even 5-10 years ago. Gennev's mission is to help this change: "It started with a simple survey to 1,500 women in perimenopause and post-menopause. Our goal was to learn what solutions women used to find relief from their menopause symptoms. Instead, we learned that women weren’t prepared for menopause, they were embarrassed, they felt dismissed by their doctors, they felt alone. Women told us to start the conversation."Gennev is now also an online clinic for the second half of your life … starting with menopause.At the forefront of this organization is Jill Angelo. Now the CoFounder & CEO of Gennev, Jill Angelo spent 20 years in technology at Microsoft in Product Marketing and Chief of Staff to the CMO roles. She left her corporate career to re-image women’s health in the second half of life. Jill is a frequent speaker on femtech, women’s health, and entrepreneurship.