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Mobility Matters: Living Fuller, More Agile Lives



Double board-certified orthopedic sports surgeon, Dr. Vonda Wright began conducting in-depth research on aging in 2005. She quickly became engrossed with the ways in which people try, as she puts it in her 2021 article “Living Fuller, More Agile Lives,” to find the winning combination to living longer, healthier, and aging with grace.”So what is Dr. Wright’s secret to living a full, happy, and productive life into your 60s and beyond? Although there is no magic formula, one of the best things that you can do for yourself as you continue to age is astoundingly simple. Just move!Dr. Vonda Wright is a double-boarded orthopedic sports surgeon, internationally recognized authority on active aging and mobility, and an innovator focused on optimizing personal and professional performance at every age from the backyard to the ball field to the boardroom via building physical and mental hardiness and resilience across the lifespan. Grab a cup of coffee and listen as Dr. Pam and Dr. Wright catch up, talk about their sh