Fcpa Compliance Report

Albemarle FCPA Enforcement Action – Overview



Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest-running podcast in compliance. Today, we begin a short podcast series on the Albemarle FCPA enforcement action. Today, we open with Matt Kelly, providing an overview. The intriguing case of Albemarle, a chemicals company embroiled in a bribery scheme, is a stark reminder of the importance of compliance and timely remediation measures. Albemarle faced hefty fines and penalties, totaling over $218 million, for using intermediaries to sell chemicals to state-owned oil companies and funnel bribes to government officials. However, the company’s swift action in withholding bonuses during their internal investigation and implementing remedial measures, such as eliminating sales agents and adopting a direct sales approach, was recognized and credited. We underscore the significance of Albemarle’s transformation of its business model as a positive remediation measure that effectively reduces corruption risk. We also emphasize the importance of timely sel