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The True Cost Of Not Delegating In Your Business



Many of us, online course creators, grapple with the fear of delegation. That nagging thought that no one else can do the job as well as we can often looms large in our minds. But what if, in succumbing to this fear, we're missing out on a more efficient and sustainable way to grow our businesses? This is the central question I aim to tackle in this episode.As a fellow course creator, I've frequently found myself entangled in the whirlwind of tasks, spanning content creation, marketing, and business management. However, a recent personal experience has sparked a significant shift in my perspective on time management and delegation.In this episode, I'll delve into the heart of this realization. I'll explore the fear that impedes us from delegating and the prevailing belief that we can execute tasks better on our own. Also, I'll uncover the essential tasks that course creators should concentrate on to expedite business growth.If you're a course creator wearing too many hats and fee