Angel Invest Boston

Agustin Lopez Marquez - AI for Discovery Dining



Repeat founder Agustin Lopez Marquez, ex-nference, brings his AI savvy to food delivery with his new startup. Built on CloudKitchens’ infrastructure, Mowgli addresses pain points for diners, sous-chefs and drivers. Loved my chat with this brilliant and practical founder. Sample Mowgli’s homey meals from exotic places at (delivers only to Boston & Cambridge for now)   Highlights:   ●      Sal Daher Introduces Agustin Lopez Marquez ●      "... my co-founder, who happens to be my wife, Brinda, she was the one that started the company and the first product about a couple of years back..." ●      "... The idea here is that these are meals for explorers, for people who like to venture out, travel. This is not pizza or your usual weekend fare for the kids, and so forth..." ●      "... it's an infrastructure play that has happened in the last three to five years. It's modular kitchens that are just the kitchens that are meant for delivery-only companies..." ●      "... You're going to bec