American Monetary Association

454: Residential & Commercial Real Estate Market Transactional Values, Trends and Challenges with Mike Zlotnik



In this episode, Jason interviews Mike Zlotnik from the Tempo Family of Funds to gain insights into the current state of the real estate market. Mike discusses the impact of high-interest rates on commercial and residential properties, particularly in the retail and office space sectors. He mentions that transaction volumes have significantly declined, with some properties being sold at a distress due to the need for immediate sales. However, multi-family apartments and self-storage properties continue to perform relatively well. Mike highlights the challenges faced by value-add projects that were acquired with bridge loans and are now reaching maturity. These assets may need to be sold at a discount if refinancing is not feasible. Additionally, he mentions the difficulty in raising cash for refinancing within syndications, as investors may not be willing to contribute more funds. Despite the challenges, Mike believes that the market may improve if interest rates stabilize