More Money

S4, Ep 392: 5 Years of Manifesting Success



The interview starts with a celebration.  Cassie explains how she used to think of it as “graduation” but it’s more like continuation because the work keeps going. You never graduate from this work. (In the best way possible) Cassie asks Vicki her thoughts on if she would just graduate and be done with the work? Vicki shares, Absolutely not, this is too fun and too juicy Isn’t it human nature to always desire growth and depth further than what you’ve experienced? Cassie asks Vicki her Money Manifested total Vicki shares, $473,302.88! Cassie asks Vicki what her former Money Story was and to describe how it was playing out in her life. Vicki shares, Former story was Survival Vicious cycle of Panic, Above water, Overspending/doing/giving, Panic, etc. Money: having enough, overspending, overdrafting my account or getting a huge bill, absolute melt down / panic, back to square one of just enough, and repeat. Not money related: performing in a million shows back to back to back, then burning