Karen Rands - Compassionate Capitalist

Reputation Rising: Unleashing 360° Media Magic for Brand Domination with Dean Trevelino



In this episode of The Compassionate Capitalist Show we delve deep into the world of reputation marketing and its symbiotic relationship with the 'know, trust, buy' theory of customer engagement. Our guest today is none other than Dean Trevelino, the co-founder of Trevelino/Keller, a renowned full-service digital marketing agency. Dean brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, and together, we'll explore the fundamental principles of reputation marketing and how adopting a 360° media marketing strategy can catapult your brand to new heights. Join us as we uncover the secrets to building trust, driving customer engagement, and achieving unmatched brand domination in the digital age. You know what is even better?  Dean, and his partner Genna Keller, used these same principals to start his business when most business owners were struggling because they knew they could help.  They walk the walk, not just talk the talk as they are a thriving award winning business today, serving business owners fro