Keen On Retirement

4 Case Studies Using Keen Wealth’s Comprehensive Planning



In a recent survey, non-retired adults told investment firm Schroders that they will need approximately $5,000 per month "to enjoy a comfortable retirement."  But is that really enough? Maybe! Studies and surveys like these make for eye-catching headlines, but they skimp on the details. For example, where are these retirees planning on living? $5,000 per month is going to go a lot further in, say, Kansas City than it will on the coasts.  When are these folks planning to retire? If it's before 65, are they factoring health care premiums into that $5,000? What about Social Security? Mortgage payments? Long-term care insurance? An annual travel budget to have a little fun? These are the kinds of conversations and details that help my team at Keen Wealth arrive at something more reliable and personalized than a number: a comprehensive financial plan. The four case studies we discuss on today's show will give you a better idea of how that process could help you improve your plan for retirement.