Martini Mortgage Podcast

buying a home in the fall of 2023



In this episode, as the fall season sets in, Kevin Martini dives deep into the current state of the real estate market, emphasizing that while the weather cools, the property market remains sizzling hot. Kevin, a Certified Mortgage Advisor with the Martini Mortgage Group, introduces listeners to the recently released Fall 2023 edition of the Martini Mortgage Guide. This free resource, available at, offers a comprehensive look into the intricacies of home buying and mortgages in the current market. Key highlights from the guide include the challenges posed by the low housing inventory, the new normal of mortgage rates hovering between 6% to 7%, and the continued appreciation of home prices on a national scale. Kevin stresses the importance of being not just ready and willing but also able to buy in this competitive market. He also touches upon the historical context of mortgage rates and their potential trajectory. Wrapping up, Kevin encourages listeners to challenge their perceptions, ex