Get Paid For Your Pad | Airbnb Hosting | Vacation Rentals | Apartment Sharing

How to create a minimum stay restriction strategy



In this episode of “Get Paid For Your Pad,” I had the pleasure of chatting with John deRoulet, an expert in the field of revenue management for short-term rentals. Our conversation delved into various strategies to optimize occupancy and revenue in this ever-evolving industry.We began by discussing the significance of minimum length of stay restrictions. John highlighted the importance of setting these restrictions strategically, using them as release valves rather than rigid rules. By doing so, we can accommodate shorter stays that fill gaps in our calendar without losing out on potential bookings. This flexibility can be a game-changer, especially in urban markets where one- to two-night stays are common.John emphasized the need to adapt to changing traveler behavior. While many people used to book flights before accommodations, this trend is shifting. Travelers are now more price-conscious, considering other destinations and timeframes if their initial plans become too expensive. This means we need to be p