More Money

S4, Ep. 389: Manifesting With Depression



What manifested total (all time, since you started) will we be celebrating during your interview? $446,914.65  What has been your biggest "ah-ha" or understanding/deepening of how the Law of Attraction and manifesting work? Learning more and more that it's the other 23.5 hours of the day that creates her dream life. The four future self-questions are so simple. What’s the difference between a choice and control? Choice is stepping into trust, control is not trusting the universe. What is the coolest piece of evidence you have gathered since our last interview? During the workshop, her days were FULL of evidence. In one of her new scripts, her future kid says, "You're so great," and the kid she currently nannies has started saying that to her every day, without prompting, "You're so nice" or "I love you" or "You're so great." What inspirations have popped up? Have you taken inspired action? How have you navigated inspiration/inspired action