Work From Your Happy Place With Belinda Ellsworth

From Family Porch Jams to Independent Success: Delnora Reed Acuff's Musical Evolution



In this episode, Belinda Ellsworth introduces singer-songwriter Delnora Reed Acuff, discussing her career and background in music. Delnora talks about her favorite performances and the importance of her faith in her music. She also discusses her experiences working with musical heroes and her new album, "Blank Page." Delnora shares her superpower of energy and her hands-on approach to engaging with fans. She emphasizes the importance of excellent customer service and staying true to oneself as an artist. The conversation also touches on the challenges of balancing creativity and business, being a mother, and finding joy in pursuing one's passion. About Delnora:Delnora is a singer/songwriter, The voice that brought her from West Virginia to Nashville has been recognized with consecutive nominations for ICMA’s Female Vocalist of the Year and she is currently ICMA’s reigning “New Artist of the Year”. She’s released eight studio albums, including three as a member of the critically acclaimed duo Blue Eyed Grass.