Commercial Real Estate Pro Network

BIGGEST RISK with Nick Prefontaine 2023



J Darrin Gross I'd like to ask you Nick Prefontaine what is the BIGGEST RISK?   Nick Prefontaine   What is the biggest risk? So the biggest risk to me is not following that voice in the back of your head. Now I'd like to frame that in, in a few different ways if I can. So when I was in the hospital, that voice was no, they said, You're gonna make a full recovery. My parents were, that was their goal, you're gonna make a full recovery, I followed the voice that said, No, you're gonna run out, then all throughout my life, no matter what I'm doing, as a successful realtor, as a successful real estate investor. And then as I moved into being a coach, and a trainer with smart real estate coach, as well as still do deals, I've always had that voice in the back of my head, which has told me that I have to be speaking and sharing my story, and helping others that are going through a trauma life challenge or adversity and helping them get through to the other side. I think the biggest risk is not listening to that voi