Ecommerce Evolution

Episode 246 - Triple Revenue with "Challenge" Based Marketing



What if you could find one strategy that, if properly executed, could:Triple your revenueBuild a hyper-engaged community around your brandGet feedback on exactly what products to launch next (and create anticipation around the launch of new products)Create an ongoing, repeatable marketing vehicle that improves CAC and LTVEstablish a content machineSounds too good to be true? That's exactly what creating "Challenges" did for Alicia Reynoso and her fiancé. They went on to build a "60-Day Hydration Challenge" around their brand: Live Infinitely.They leverage their challenge to grow from a mostly Amazon brand, to 50/50 Amazon and Shopify, to having a successful exit.In this episode, Alicia and I dive into the why behind "Challenges" and what it takes to make them successful. #eCommerceEvolution #ChallengeBasedMarketing #LiveInfinitely #AliciaReynoso #eCommerceTips #CommunityBuilding #CustomerValue #BusinessGrowth #RevenueBoost #HydrationChallenge