Digital Dive Media

3 Simple Marketing Funnels to Nurture Leads and Grow Your Business



Welcome, or welcome back to the brndBuilder Academy Podcast, where we dive into the latest trends in content marketing and share valuable insights you can apply to elevate your content strategy. Today, we’re talking about the challenges of lead nurturing and three simple marketing funnels that can help.  First up is the Lead Magnet Funnel, designed to attract leads through free resources like ebooks or webinars. You create a landing page, followed by a thank-you page with access to the offer. A series of automated emails then provide value and build trust, eventually leading to a product pitch. Next, we have the Webinar Funnel, which educates leads on relevant topics before pitching your offer at the end. It starts with a registration page, followed by a confirmation page with webinar details. The webinar itself should be engaging and informative, with a follow-up email sequence providing extra value and another opportunity to pitch. Lastly, the Product Launch Funnel generates excitement for your new product