Fcpa Compliance Report

FCPA Compliance Report: Miranda Zolot - Remote Work Revolution, the Distributed Workforce



Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest-running podcast in compliance. Tom welcomes Miranda Zolot, General Counsel at Oyster HR in this episode. They discussed the distributed workforce and how Oyster can help businesses find the talent they need compliant and cost-effectively. Beginning with the captivating detail that Oyster is a fully distributed company with no offices and almost 600 internal employees who all work from home or their personal co-working spaces, they discussed the concept of a distributed workforce and how businesses find the talent they need in a compliant and cost-effective way. Their discussion included the challenges of managing an outsourced workforce and the current model of distributed workforces that allows companies to find the right workers for their particular job. Oyster's mission is to bring meaningful work to people in different geographies, and the website offers resources for both people looking for remote work and companies looking to hire remotely