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How to prevent your guests from smoking in your Airbnbs



Sign-up for Wynd and get a $10 discount: (Use coupon code PAD)During a conversation with Mark Young and Dora Du, we discussed a product called Wynd Sentry, which is a smoke and noise monitoring device specifically designed for short-term rental properties. The device helps hosts maintain a safe and pleasant environment for guests and prevents potential damages caused by smoking and excessive noise.Dora explained that Wynd Sentry was developed by the company Wynd, initially focusing on air quality monitoring. However, they observed many hosts using their general air quality monitors to address smoking issues in their rental spaces. Recognizing this need, Wynd developed the Wynd Sentry, a specialized product to address smoke detection accurately.The device utilizes a proprietary technology called AirID, which classifies different particle types to identify specific smoke sources, such as cigarettes, marijuana, or vape. This enables hosts to receive real-time alerts and provide