Werewolf Ambulance

Episode 434- 976- EVIL (1988)



In this week's episode, we're going back to a WWA-favorite era of the late 1980s with the supernatural/demonic possession film "976-EVIL." Special topics for your consideration include: when your phone's autofill function tries to predict "your thing," an unexpected sessy moment, having your directorial debut and your swan song be the same film (sorry Robert Englund), and a whole ass host of 1980s teen horror tropes: old teens, hot principals, religious moms, kids with insane names, movie punks (or at least punk-adjacent), evil quips, panty thefts & so much more! Or less. It might actually be less. 1988 was a hell of a year for horror movies, and we've seen a lot of them (say what you will about us, but we are certainly thorough).  Tease your hair, put on your Guns n Roses tee and settle in for Episode 32- "Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood," Episode 36- "Waxwork," Episode 50- "The Blob," Episode 137- "Monkey Shines," Episode 140- "Killer Klowns from Outer Space," Episode 192- "Night of the Demons,"