Financial Freedom Report

52: Unmasking the World’s Mysterious Bank: Tower of Basel Uncovered!



Greetings still from Ecuador, which is on an elevation of 12,000 feet! Today Jason talks about another bank run and how this puts massive inflationary pressure on the entire economic system. He also talks about how new home sales proves Wall Street was wrong- saying low housing inventory is “fake news” and even how the MLS’ Active listings since 1982 chart confirms this! And Jason interviews Adam LeBor, author of the book “Tower of Basel.” Adam takes us on a journey to uncover the history of the Bank for International Settlements, also known as the Tower of Basel. He explores the power and influence of this mysterious institution, which is said to be the central bank of the world’s central banks. Through interviews with experts and a deep dive into historical events, Adam gives us insight into the inner workings of the bank, its role in the global financial system, the complexities of the international banking system and the forces that shape it. Key Takeaways: Jason’s editorial 1:28 Greetings from an elevati