Angel Invest Boston

John Williams - Angel Investor



Angel investor John Williams comes from a background of leadership in sales and marketing in Big Pharma. He puts his experiences to work in helping his portfolio companies which include Lenoss Medical, Elidah and Eflex Energy. John’s affable personality made this really a fun chat.   Highlights:   ·      Sal Daher Introduces Angel Investor John Williams ·      Elidah – Solving Postpartum Incontinence ·      Gloria Kolb of Elidah Embodies Howard Stevenson’s Definition of the Startup Founder ·      Lenoss Medical: Better Treatment for Fractures of the Spine Due to Aging ·      “...a guy who's 63 years old made the cut at the Masters this weekend. They [seniors] have higher expectations...” ·      No More Heart Attacks in 40 Year Olds Thanks to Statin Drugs Controlling Blood Lipids ·      “It's also fun to watch pitches. Because you're like, "Wow."” ·      Robotic Gloves Keep popping Up in Sal’s Angel Investing Career ·      Eflex Energy: Load Management for Your Home Backup Power ·      “I would have been able