Cpa Australia Podcast

How new online economy tax changes could affect you?



Today’s episode examines new reporting requirements for electronic distribution platforms.  This is relevant to many Australians as an estimated 250,000 work in the online economy, otherwise known as the gig, sharing or barter economy.  And some of these changes from the Australian Tax Office (ATO) will start on 1 July 2023.  Explaining what you need to know is guest expert Elinor Kasapidis, senior manager of tax policy at CPA Australia.  Listen now.  Host: Dr. Jane Rennie, General Manager Media and Content, Marketing and Communications at CPA Australia Guest: Elinor Kasapidis, Senior Manager of Tax Policy at CPA Australia. CPA Australia publishes three podcasts, providing commentary and thought leadership across business, finance, and accounting:  With Interest INTHEBLACK Excel Tips Search for them in your podcast app.  Email the podcast team at  For more insights, CPA Australia has made a submission to the ATO on electronic distribution platform reporting. And the A