Sales Chalk Talk

From Management To Leadership - Pete Mohr



Leadership has become an increasingly popular topic in the business world in the past few years. The fact is that business management doesn’t necessarily mean leadership in many companies. On this episode of The Sales Chalk Talk Show, the very special guest is business and leadership expert Pete Mohr, who talks about Moving From Management to Leadership. On this podcast, you’ll hear: • How a business owner can begin to work more 'on their business' and less 'in it' • The differences between managing and leading • What a leader should do when they feel a loss of momentum • Mistakes people often make when moving from management to leadership • And MUCH More!! Come listen in with my awesome co-host, Gene McNaughton, and me as we learn more about remote communication from this brilliant communication expert. Pete’s website is at, and you can schedule a 30-minute Freedom call with Pete at Get your free chapter of Gene McNaughton’s book “The Sa