Mid-America Reformed Seminary



The latest feed from Mid-America Reformed Seminary on SermonAudio.com.


  • 207. John Calvin and the Institutes: A Guide to True Godliness

    28/12/2023 Duração: 21min

    In this final episode of the year of our Lord, 2023, Dr. Beach begins a multi-episode journey of taking us through the seminal work of John Calvin and his Institutes of the Christian Religion. He starts with part 1 to whet your appetite for when he picks it up again in February after we take a break in January. In this inaugural episode, he provides context to the Institutes, emphasizing the theological stakes and issues that Calvin will address in the 16th century.

  • 206. Beyond Forgiveness: Reflecting on the Unpardonable Sin

    21/12/2023 Duração: 14min

    In this final episode on the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, Rev. Nick Lamme takes us through the implications for the Church today regarding identifying false teachers and provides encouragement, warning, and exhortation for Christians wrestling with this difficult passage. He concludes by reflecting on how understanding this sin should shape pastoral ministry.

  • 205. The Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of Matthew

    14/12/2023 Duração: 20min

    In this episode, Rev. Nick Lamme examines the meaning of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in Matthew chapter 12. Specifically, he looks at verses 22-32, considering the larger context surrounding this passage. Rev. Lamme then analyzes Jesus's statement about this egregious sin, exploring who Jesus was addressing and why He made this warning at that moment.

  • Chapel | Nick Alons | Titus 3:1-7

    12/12/2023 Duração: 16min

    In this chapel message, Rev. Nick Alons of Lynwood United Reformed Church focuses on Titus 3-1-7. With a central focus on verse 5, Rev. Alons reflects deeply on the profound yet straightforward statement, -He saved us.- What do these three simple but powerful words tell us about God's grace-- How did Jesus' sacrifice on the cross provide the way for our salvation-- And what implications does this have for how we live our daily lives-- Rev. Alons unpacks the beauty and hope in this concise but loaded verse that God in Christ has saved us, washing us clean through the Holy Spirit's renewal and rebirth.

  • 204. The Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: An Introduction

    07/12/2023 Duração: 15min

    In this episode, Jared speaks with Reverend Nick Lamme, a 2007 Mid-America alumnus and OPC pastor, about the complex biblical concept of -blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.- Rev. Lamme brings a depth of expertise to this discussion, having explored the topic extensively in a -2012 Mid-America Journal of Theology article-. Guiding listeners through centuries of competing perspectives, Rev. Lamme provides an accessible yet thoughtful overview of this challenging spiritual idea - what it has been understood to mean by scholars and clergy over time, and how we might start to make sense of it today.

  • Chapel | Israel Ledee | Ruth 3

    02/12/2023 Duração: 18min

    Exhorting from Ruth 3, Israel urged the Seminary community in this chapel message to seek their deepest rest in Christ, just as Ruth found repose and refuge in her kinsman-redeemer Boaz centuries ago. Through this biblical parallel, Israel reminds us that total relief is found when we wholly entrust our weary souls to our Lord, as Ruth entrusted herself entirely to Boaz's care and provision when she lay at his feet.

  • 203. The Legacy of Q&A 80 in the Heidelberg Catechism

    30/11/2023 Duração: 23min

    In this episode, Dr. Venema wraps up our series on Heidelberg Catechism Q-A 80 by reflecting on the ongoing legacy and relevancy of Q-A 80 for today and answers the question of whether its critiques are still valid when considering contemporary Roman Catholicism.

  • Chapel | Paul Ipema | Jeremiah 17:5-13

    29/11/2023 Duração: 18min

    Drawing wisdom from Jeremiah 17-9, Rev. Ipema uses this chapel message to focus our attention on the deceitful nature of the human heart. He stresses that only through God's renewing grace found in Jesus Christ can our hearts be transformed and changed.

  • 202. Sacrifice or Sacrament? Q&A 80's Critique of the Mass

    22/11/2023 Duração: 21min

    In this episode, Dr. Cornelis Venema provides an in-depth examination of Question and Answer 80 of the Heidelberg Catechism, focusing on its critique of the Catholic Mass. Dr. Venema high-lights two major critiques made by the Catechism against the Mass. First, charging the Mass constitutes an unbiblical, repetitive sacrifice, undermining the completeness of Christ's once-for-all sacrifice on the cross. Second, critiquing the Mass as an idolatrous worship of the physical bread and wine of the Eucharist, charging that elevating and adoring the elements leads to idolatry. In addition to discussing these two major critiques, Dr. Venema examines the relationship between Question and Answer 80 and the Council of Trent, the 16th-century Catholic council that affirmed the doctrine of transubstantiation and the sacrificial nature of the Mass.

  • 201. The Origin of Q&A 80 in the Heidelberg Catechism

    16/11/2023 Duração: 20min

    In this episode, we kick off a three-part series on Question and Answer 80 in the Heidelberg Catechism. Led by President of Mid-America, Dr. Cornelis Venema, this series begins with an overview of the history of the Catechism and the origins specifically of Q-A 80, which deals with what it calls the -popish mass.-

  • 200. The Rise and Spread of Islam

    09/11/2023 Duração: 18min

    In this episode, Dr. Strange concludes this segment on church history by looking at the rise of Islam, its spread, and its impact on the development of Europe during the period of the Middle Ages.

  • 199. The Fall of Rome and the Rise of the Germanic Kingdoms

    02/11/2023 Duração: 16min

    In this episode, we explore one of the most transformative periods in European history - the fall of Rome in the 5th century AD and the subsequent rise of new barbarian kingdoms. Dr. Alan Strange, Professor of Church History, provides an overview of the factors that led to Rome's decline after centuries of dominance, the complex history of the barbarian tribes, their eventual conversion from paganism to Christianity, and how this helped integrate them into the fabric of medieval European civilization.

  • 198. The Church of the Seven Councils

    26/10/2023 Duração: 16min

    In this episode, Dr. Strange examines the Second and Third Council of Constantinople, which sought to affirm Christ's divine and human natures, and the Second Council of Nicaea, which authorized the legitimacy of using visual images in worship. In addition to the four Councils that came before them, the Eastern Church became known as the Church of the Seven Councils.

  • 197. Monasticism

    19/10/2023 Duração: 15min

    In this episode of our ongoing Church History series, Dr. Alan Strange delves into the topic of monasticism. He traces its origins, explaining why Protestants have historically been less inclined toward monastic practices, and discusses how monasticism evolved and spread during the Middle Ages.

  • 196. The Ordo Salutis

    12/10/2023 Duração: 16min

    In this episode, Dr. Beach examines the ordo salutis, which refers to the logical sequence or order of the various elements involved in the process of salvation according to Reformed theology. What is the order of salvation-- Is it even correct to describe salvation in such terms-- As Dr. Beach elaborates more on election, effectual calling, regeneration, conversion, justification, adoption, and sanctification, we hope you'll come away from this episode with a little bit more of an understanding of what this is all about.

  • 195. The Historia Salutis

    05/10/2023 Duração: 16min

    In this episode, Dr. Beach looks at the historia salutis, the overarching narrative of salvation history that unfolds throughout the Bible. By examining the major movements and themes of Scripture, Dr. Beach helps us see how the separate books of the Bible fit together into one grand narrative of God's purposeful action in human history to save a people for Himself. He highlights connections between Old Testament prophecy and New Testament fulfillment, demonstrating the unity of Scripture amidst its diversity. It's important for us to understand that the Bible is not just a collection of stories and ethical principles but as the unfolding drama of redemption that finds its climax and fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

  • 194. The Pactum Salutis

    28/09/2023 Duração: 16min

    In this episode, Dr. J. Mark Beach explores the pactum salutis, also known as the covenant of redemption. This refers to the agreement made between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit before the creation of the world to redeem fallen humanity. By exploring the pactum salutis, Dr. Beach provides insight into the nature of the Trinity and the meticulous planning involved in God's work of salvation. This intra-Trinitarian covenant reminds us that redemption was no afterthought, but rather the gracious purpose of God from before the foundation of the world.

  • 193. What Do We Do With Christian Nationalism?

    21/09/2023 Duração: 19min

    In this episode, Dr. Alan Strange concludes his series on Christian Nationalism by offering final critiques of Stephen Wolfe's book, addressing how we distinguish our critique from that of the progressives,' and offering insight on where our focus should be instead.

  • 192. What's Wrong With Christian Nationalism?

    14/09/2023 Duração: 17min

    Stephen Wolfe's book The Case for Christian Nationalism has sparked intense debate. In this episode, Dr. Alan Strange carefully analyzes Wolfe's arguments. While appreciating Wolfe's desire to take the Lordship of Christ seriously, Dr. Strange raises thoughtful concerns about the book's conclusions.

  • 191. Christian Nationalism: Important Terms

    07/09/2023 Duração: 17min

    In this episode, Dr. Strange continues his assessment of Christian Nationalism, exploring definitions of essential terms, such as -obviously- -nationalism,- -Christian,- and others, and addressing whether Stephen Wolfe, author of The Case for Christian Nationalism, uses Scripture to make his case.

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