Random Ramblings



Where we empower you to thrive personally and professionally with odd, unusual and unexpected thoughts.


  • Bonus | Disengagement Moment Release Exercise

    20/03/2017 Duração: 09min

    This is the visualization exercise mentioned in the episode, What Does Your Engagement Say About You?

  • Bonus | Inner Child Inner Joy Meditation

    13/03/2017 Duração: 08min

    This is the Reflection Challenge mentioned in the "What Are Your Dreams Really?" Episode.

  • 31 | What Are Your Dreams Really?

    13/03/2017 Duração: 36min

    Professionally, I began to experience what I call disengagement cycles. Starting positions with organizations that I had so much hope for to end up back to a similar state of disengagement and professional dissatisfaction. In this episode, I share my story of the journey through these cycles. This includes going back to a specific moment in time and acknowledging it for what it is, when I stopped believing I could anything.

  • 30 | From Disengagement to Engagement

    06/03/2017 Duração: 30min

    These are the lessons I want to share with you this month. The lessons that inspired me to share this reflection experience with you, that has now become the Work Love Experience. Where finding your way back to work happiness is possible? Where finding your way out of the continual cycles is possible? Where finding the answers to your, what seems like never ending, professional frustrations is possible? In this episode, I want to share with you exactly who the Work Love Experience was created for.

  • 29 | Opposites Attract: More Money More Problems

    27/02/2017 Duração: 22min

    Money is still a source of conflict for us and we are still learning. But I have faith that our journey of love and money is not over and will get stronger in the next decade. In this fun-filled podcast, hear our relationship and the role of money come alive.

  • 28 | Opposites Attract: Time for Us

    20/02/2017 Duração: 19min

    Unfortunately, this lesson of intentionality is not one glamorized by romanticism. We are taught to believe that if love is true, it is strong and overcomes all obstacles. But when time becomes the obstacle, I wouldn't say that true love becomes weak. I would say that we are human and unless we are intentional our love can be present but forgetful or hopeful that there will always be that next minute, hour or day.

  • 27 | Opposites Attract: The Little Things

    13/02/2017 Duração: 21min

    Our marriage by no means is perfect, however we try. We try because what we have is something that doesn’t happen every day or even every once in a while. What we have is something that happens once maybe twice if we’re lucky in a lifetime. It takes a conscious continual effort of choosing each other every day as a priority and paying attention. Now what are you waiting for, take a listen and hear about the little things that we do for each other that shows we’re paying attention.

  • 26 | Opposites Attract: When Samm Met Josh

    06/02/2017 Duração: 21min

    A testament that the universe sends you exactly who you need, if you can just find the courage to say yes in the moment. Josh was my catalyst for starting the heal process of my broken heart and beginning to see the incredible opportunities that had been surrounding me all along. In this episode and for all of February, Josh will be joining me on the podcast and this week we are sharing how it all began for us.

  • 25 | Life After Vision Boards

    30/01/2017 Duração: 21min

    In this episode, I share with you three ways to make sure you keep the momentum on the path to what you have visioned for 2017. To quote one of our visioneers from last week, consider these methods your tools as you continue on your Vision Quest!

  • 24 | Words of Visionary Wisdom

    23/01/2017 Duração: 25min

    Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of filming our facilitators for 2017’s Vision Fest. During filming, I sat there watching trying to comprehend how something so amazing could be happening and how fortunate I am to be a part of it. In this week’s episode, as we kick off Vision Fest here at Leadership Arts, take a listen as I share with you my five words of visionary wisdom from our awesome facilitators.

  • 23 | How to Create a Vision Board

    16/01/2017 Duração: 18min

    There is a reason why people all around the world take time to create a vision board. There is a difference between saying what you want and actually being able to see it. To see it with such clarity that you can describe exactly how it feels to the last detail. This week I am happy to share with you my best practices when it comes to Vision Boards and collaging in general.

  • 22 | Vision Board Outcomes: Gina Nobile

    09/01/2017 Duração: 24min

    Are you brave enough to take the next step that is necessary for you to be truly happy? For some of us, we know clear as day what that next step should be. Yet we live in a state of hesitation where we basically pause our life because we are afraid. Most of the time, fear is the barrier keeping us from what we want. In 2016, Gina Nobile got brave and stepped forward. Gina knew what she wanted in 2016 and because of that clarity how it exactly manifested didn’t matter, the only thing that did matter was that it manifested. Gina was gracious to sit down with me and share her Vision Board Outcomes from 2016.

  • 21 | My Vision Board Outcomes

    03/01/2017 Duração: 41min

    Black Coffee. Juice Drinking. Downward Dog. Just a few of the things that manifested from my 2016 Vision Board. Now before you roll your eyes, know that I don’t consider these things monumental successes or even what made my year. In fact, when these items made my 2016 Vision Board, I had no idea why the images were included except that it felt right. However what these things have proven to be is almost like insights and hints to show that I was on the right track. It is because of these items that I can enter 2017 confidently.

  • 20 | Healing Living Beyond My Means {Conclusion}

    28/12/2016 Duração: 22min

    Embrace the silence. These are the words of wisdom I often share with new trainers or speakers. Regardless of the strategies that I have shared in these episodes, it became very apparent to me that I am very much so still healing and the moments of silence throughout this podcast prove just that. To me, those moments were just as uncomfortable to listen to as they were when I was recording. However, I chose to press on and not edit this track and now I hope that it serves you as I conclude our series on Healing Living Beyond My Means.

  • 19 | Healing Living Beyond My Means {Part Two}

    19/12/2016 Duração: 29min

    This week’s exercise includes two parts to begin answering the question of, why do these objects and people really matter? To do this, you need to be able to: Recognize that you solely make these objects and people matter; and Recognize that you don’t really understand why they matter. Let your eyes be open to the world around you in a new way and decide to be completely open to what this exercise may bring.

  • 18 | Healing Living Beyond My Means {Part One}

    12/12/2016 Duração: 20min

    In this three-part series, I’d like to explore the discovery process to what truly matters. Because when it comes to a fear-driven life, a shift in perspective is the only miracle we need. So let’s get started…

  • 17 | Tears are Powerful

    05/12/2016 Duração: 36min

    It has taken until this past year for me to begin to realize that, tears are powerful. As I have worked on own personal growth throughout the past two years, I was forced to face what exactly the tears meant in each circumstance. In this exploration, I learned three lessons to the testament of how powerful they can be and in this episode, I am happy to share them with you.

  • 16 | The Grateful Showcase: Becky Stauffer

    29/11/2016 Duração: 01h05min

    How do you define the word mentor? What does that individual look like for you? For me, the role of mentor has turned into such a greater resource than the typical implied superior at work that has more seniority. In our last Grateful Showcase interview, I had the privilege and opportunity of sitting down with one of my mentors, Becky Stauffer.

  • 15 | The Grateful Showcase: MaryRose Ritter

    25/11/2016 Duração: 01h00s

    If I were to ask you, what is most important to you at this moment? Would you be able to answer? Would your answer be truthful? Could you identify what is so important to you, that you would be willing to sacrifice everything else for it? MaryRose Ritter was one of the first people, that I ever came into contact with that was crystal clear on her priorities. MaryRose to me is the role model for balance, in regards to finding it and sustaining it.

  • 14 | The Grateful Showcase: Brittney Russell

    13/11/2016 Duração: 01h27min

    When you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see? When you decide to hit the gym in January and create these elaborate weight loss goals, is it driven by a vision of attractiveness defined by others? Today, we are surrounded by opinions, from voices so loud that our own voice can easily be drowned out. At least that’s what happened to me, I was trying to create the ultimate melting pot of health and beauty devised from the opinions of others. Last August, I met Brittney Russell and everything changed for me.

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