Reiki Unleashed Podcast



Empowering individuals and groups with life enriching technologies and wisdom teachings: Reiki, Yoga, Meditation, Nature based practices, the Divine Feminine/Sacred Masculine and more. with Eleonore Koury, Usui/Tibetan/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher and Jikiden Reiki Practitioner, Kundalini Yoga and Restorative Yoga Teacher, Author and Speaker


  • Journey to Mt Kurama

    06/04/2016 Duração: 42min

    Travel to the sacred mountain of Kurama with me as I steep you in this magnificent landscape of the origins of Usui Reiki. Discover the birthplace and clarify the broad spectrum of Usui’s teachings/lineage. Experience what it really means to live Reiki and the principles, connecting with Usui’s original intention, supporting us in realizing our wholeness. Reiki does not so much add anything to us but rather reconnects us to our inherent well being, to what is natural, balanced, whole and radiant within. Open to a life of richness, vitality, beauty and deep peace as you journey with me through Kurama and into the inner teachings of Reiki. Enjoy a Japanese Reiki Breathing technique Joshin koki ho. Reiki practitioners refine your connection to the symbols and mantras as way to embody their essence, deepening your Reiki connection. Complete with a deep meditation, resting in stillness, opening to peace within that knows no beginning and no end. for more on Reiki Trainings, In Person/Phone/Skype Sessions, Reiki S

  • Vision Quest 2016

    16/01/2016 Duração: 37min

    Enjoy this audio journey tuning into your hearts intentions and visions for 2016.    Delve into the mystic within you, illuminate your true hearts visions, and intentionally co-create 2016 -- Learn and implement tangible tools and practices that open you to golden opportunities, where all hardships lead to rich blessings and truth illuminates your path.  Find that space of deep stillness and infinite potentiality within you through a guided meditation along with practicle and creative ways to manifest your visions for 2016.

  • Living Reiki & Yoga This Holiday Season

    23/11/2015 Duração: 40min

    In this Holiday Season as you relish in the bounty and harvest of this time of year, reconnect to the principles of Reiki and Yoga to support you through the sometimes challenging aspects of the Holidays.  Discover ways you can not only 'practice' Reiki and Yoga, but rather 'live' these ancient systems -- incorporating them as a way of life.  Enjoy a journey of Reconciliation and Forgiveness as you are tuned in to the high vibrational field of the Ojai Valley.  Shed resentments, pain, anger that has accumulated over the year, harnessing the bounty of 2015 as you prepare for the rich new soil of 2016.

  • Vast Open Space - Fall Equinox 2015

    20/09/2015 Duração: 34min

    Enjoy this Fall Equinox with and episode supporting you in connecting to that place of deep stillness and peace within you.  Come on a journey on the mountain ranges of Maui tuning into a serenity that awakens a vast open space within you. Deepen your meditation and Reiki practice while also receiving gifts and guidance, supporting you in this new season and aligning you with synchronistic flow.

  • Living Free - Elder Wisdom with Guest Beverly Belle Kent

    26/06/2015 Duração: 50min

    Enjoy a conversation and journey supporting you in this Summer season to live more freely and in alignement with your truth. Gain rich wisdom from our Guest, Beverly Belle Kent, Yoga Teacher for over 40 years among many other Titles.  Explore ways you can live Free today and experience a journey into the future, bringing your own wisdom back into your present, supporting you in fulfilling your dreams. for more info go to

  • Song Bird in Santa Monica Mountains

    29/05/2015 Duração: 02min

    As I entered the santa monica trail, this beautiful song bird greeted me as I parked my car and gathered my hiking gear.  It rested right above my head on a lamp post and was singing away....the amazing part was the same bird song showed up when I was leaving this very same trail last week with my husband.  At that time the song was so strong and caught my attention that I began to chirp back.  With every sound I made the bird got stronger and louder as if it was communicating with me.  This occured right after I had shared a vision with my husband.  I felt at that time, as loopy as it may sound that nature was affirming my vision.  So to discover the same bird song right above me as I started back on the same trail felt a little more than coincindental.  I felt moved to record its song and now to share it with you. I find it also synchronistic that I had just released this months episode on Reiki and nature based practices.  A definete experience how we are truly so interconnected, and if we take the time to

  • Reiki & Nature Based Practices with Guest Jessica Schmidt

    24/05/2015 Duração: 49min

    Enjoy this unique podcast with Guest Jessica Schmidt as we immerse you in the field of Reiki along with Nature Based Practices!! I apologize for the sound quality.  Our conference system created a bit of an echo/cave reverb that was difficult to adjust.  That being said you will be deeply nourished and uplifted through this podcast! Discover ways you can bring Pranayam, simple yoga practices and Reiki into your outdoor experience, creating a more personal relationship with the natural world.  Experience simple practices that you can bring into your every day life as well your travels, turning 'vacations' into life enriching adventures. Enjoy an enlightening and renewing journey while also getting a feel of what is to come at our Maui Retreat in September. or for more info  

  • Equinox Inner Sacred Journey Recorded on Maui

    17/03/2015 Duração: 36min

    Enjoy a journey on the Island of Maui connecting you with the medicine of the Whales Migrating, the Green Sea Turtle and the Questing Islands of Maui and Molokai.  Tune into Usui's anniversary month of discovering Reiki and his death as it reflects this seasons Spring Equinox of death and rebirth.  Journey with me as we utilize the profound frequencies of both Maui and Molokai walking your own inner quest discarding obstacles and limitations, uncovering guidance and truth, and revealing your vision for this new season.  A powerful week as we move into the Spring Equinox, Solar Eclipse / New Moon, utilize this podcast to support you through the practice of Reiki and the wisdom of the elements to shift your consciousness, ground in the present, and manifest your true hearts desire this Spring. Recorded on a blessed bay in Maui visited by whales and sea turtles as you listen to the podcast, receive the gift this island has to offer you as well as this planetary and seasonal alignment.    

  • Rest and Reset with Crystals and Reiki

    28/01/2015 Duração: 35min

    As you begin 2015 take the time to set the tone for a restful and abundant year.  Enjoy a journey into utilizing crystals with your meditation and/or Reiki practice.  Discover the way Mikao Usui utilized crystals in his original Usui Reiki Ryoho system.  End the podcast with a guided healing session.

  • The Grace of This Season

    04/12/2014 Duração: 24min

    This Podcast was recorded on the majestic cliffs of Big Sur, CA During this Fall/Winter season find the space of Grace amidst the hustle and bussle of the holiday season.  In this podcast re align to the realm of grace through what ever challenge you are going through or whatever full ness you are reaping.  Take the time to receive the beauty of Big Sur and the nourishing energy of Reiki through this coversation.  Call grace into your life this season, and like Reiki, witness its mystical way of blessing your journey.

  • Fall Harvest / Aloha Reiki Treatment

    23/09/2014 Duração: 37min

    Apologize for my low voice, recorded in the wee hours of the morning, being mindful of thin walls in my B&B :) Enjoy a journey into honoring the change of season as we enter Fall. Honor and acknowledge the Harvest in your life, while utilizing the last quarter of the year as a time to refine your gifts and complete your creative projects/visions. Utilize the transformative power of all challenges, obstacles, crisis', etc to be fertilizer for something powerfully new, opening pathways within you and your life.  Honoring the balancing of activity and stillness as we move into thr Yin seasons of Fall and Winter. Also receive a distant Reiki treatment from Maui, Hawaii, soothed by the restorative elements of the Island and the field of Reiki. Wishing you a rich and blessed Fall Season.

  • Liberation, Usui Sensei and the 5 Reiki Principles

    06/07/2014 Duração: 40min

    This month's podcast touches on the creation of Reiki Unleashed and its purpose to support the expansion of Reiki and the inclusivity of Reiki accross traditions and lineages.  Included is a journey through an Interview with Dr Usui taken during his life that gives us a glimpse into Dr Usui's philosophy and vision of Reiki.  The podcast completes with a guided meditation with the 5 Reiki Principles recited in Japnese.

  • Earth Healing and The Power of Gassho Meditation

    07/05/2014 Duração: 33min

    In this podcast I share with you my journey to the Sequoia National Forrest and the wisdom of these ancient trees, with a message about our current Earth challenges and what we can do as conscious individuals and Reiki practitioners. Included is an informational segment on the power of using Gassho meditation with a guided Reiki Gassho meditation and distant Reiki session to the Earth. Wishing all you beautiful mother's out there a celebration of your beauty, your bounty and your grace -- thank you for all you do and all that you are!!  Blessings Eleonore

  • Reiki for Spring Renewal and Radiance

    04/03/2014 Duração: 45min

    As we approach the Spring Equinox we are given a great opportunity to harness the energy of the seasons to renew our own inner landscape in order to experience the vibrancy and vitality of our outer landscape.  join me on this month's podcast supporting your renewal process, honoring the seasons within yourself and your world with a noursihing and nurturing guided meditation and visualization to support you in aligning to your highest potential and radiance.

  • Stepping into the Bountiful Potential of 2014

    07/01/2014 Duração: 42min

    This months podcast supports you in fully stepping into the bountiful potential of 2014 for you personally and globally

  • Fulfilling our Destiny with Patience and Commitment

    10/09/2013 Duração: 28min

    This months podcast supports us in staying connected with our life's passion / destiny through our consistent Reiki and yoga practice.

  • Reiki and Kundalini Yoga

    01/07/2013 Duração: 37min

    There are number of similarities between kundalini yoga, as taught by Yogi Bahjan, and Reiki. In the same way that Reiki connects us to Universal divine life force energy the practice of kundalini yoga does the same. It's ultimate benefit and purpose is to expand our consciousness and awareness as it congruently strengthens our nervous system and glandylular system. The regular practice of ky is preventative care in the same way as reiki is. It has a healing quality that also gives the added physical exercise to strengthen our physical body. Kundalini Yoga enhances the use of reiki in that it cleans out and strengthens our channel in which Reiki flows. The most delicious aspect of utilizing both is getting a good energetic and physical workout with a Kundalini Yoga set followed by a soak in a self reiki treatment!! In this podcast we will have a little taste of this...Enjoy!

  • Forrest Birds in Ireland

    07/05/2013 Duração: 19min

    This is a recording of the Forrest Birds in one of our walks through the Wicklow Woods, Ireland.

  • Celtic Spirituality and the Healing of Men - Recorded in Ireland

    02/05/2013 Duração: 32min

    This Podcast touches on Celtic Spirituality and its correlation with Reiki.  Utilizing both paths to clear our channels for Reiki to heal of our global communit.  Both Celtic Sprituality and Reiki support us in living from the interconnection of all life, reminding us we all have a responsibility for the state of our world and the care of our people.  We touch on the healing of men in particularly, awakening the sacred masculine that is supported by the Divine power and grace of the feminine.  Reiki gives us the tools to face national and global crisis and hardships such as the recent bombing in Boston and the global issues we are all facing.  Reiki helps us awaken the  unifying power of the collective to  co creating a world aligned with the grace and power of the Divine  - this is recorded in Ireland on the cliffs of the coastline of Greystones, the eastern end of Ireland.  We end with a guided visualization of Celtic Shamanism calling on the healing qualities of the land and the nearby regions of Atlatian

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