Reiki Unleashed Podcast

Song Bird in Santa Monica Mountains



As I entered the santa monica trail, this beautiful song bird greeted me as I parked my car and gathered my hiking gear.  It rested right above my head on a lamp post and was singing away....the amazing part was the same bird song showed up when I was leaving this very same trail last week with my husband.  At that time the song was so strong and caught my attention that I began to chirp back.  With every sound I made the bird got stronger and louder as if it was communicating with me.  This occured right after I had shared a vision with my husband.  I felt at that time, as loopy as it may sound that nature was affirming my vision.  So to discover the same bird song right above me as I started back on the same trail felt a little more than coincindental.  I felt moved to record its song and now to share it with you. I find it also synchronistic that I had just released this months episode on Reiki and nature based practices.  A definete experience how we are truly so interconnected, and if we take the time to