Genesis One Christian Ministries Sermons



We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God and inerrant in the original writings. We believe that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. We believe that the lost and sinful man must be saved, and that man's only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We believe in and practice the holy ordinance of water baptism, which signifies the believer's death, burial, and resurrection into new life with Christ Jesus, and the regular celebration of Holy Communion as commanded by our Lord. We believe in the present ministry and baptism of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved; those that are saved into the resurrection of life and those that are unsaved into the resurrection of damnation. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Wilderness Experience - Audio

    13/11/2022 Duração: 50min

    A “wilderness experience” is usually thought of as a tough time in which a believer endures discomfort and trials. However, God is the one that can lead us, and bring us out of the wilderness and into our promised land.

  • The Inward Witness - Audio

    06/11/2022 Duração: 48min

    The Holy Spirit speaks to, and guides, us through our spirit not our physical ears. This is what the Bible calls the “Inward Witness.”. It's time to learn more about this extraordinary form of communication from God that is available to you.

  • Knowledge Is Not the Same as Vision - Audio

    30/10/2022 Duração: 42min

    As children of God, we should have a vision for our lives. A vision provides inspiration and helps us to not live a life where we wake up every day waiting for something to happen. Instead, we wake up everyday and make something happen.

  • Achieving Your Goals - Audio

    23/10/2022 Duração: 35min

    Do you have goals or a vision you're praying about? Is your faith wavering? You may be waiting on God, but it's possible that God is waiting on you. God could be waiting for you to surrender something that you're holding on to because it seems so precious to you.

  • Your Authority as a Believer - Audio

    16/10/2022 Duração: 31min

    When we made Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives, in accordance with Colossians 1:13, we were delivered from the power of darkness. We were also given the authority to overcome those forces as they try to enter our lives. The question is, how much do we understand this authority and use it to be victorious over the challenges in our lives. The Word of God shows us how. •

  • Defeating Discouragement - Audio

    10/10/2022 Duração: 39min

    Discouragement is a part of life. It gets to us all from time to time. It eats at us, makes us want to quit and give up moving forward in life. When this happens, we often forget what God has to say about our lives and how He can help us defeat this often crippling enemy,

  • The Calm After the Storm - Audio

    02/10/2022 Duração: 40min

    You've probably heard the expression "the calm before the storm". It usually refers to a period of quiet that comes before a storm or a time of violence. But did you realize that there is a calm AFTER the storm? God wants us to be aware of this and how we can experience this calm in our lives. (Music Intro: "I Sing Praises to Your Name" by Kent Henry)

  • Where Our Help Comes From - Audio

    25/09/2022 Duração: 40min

    When we need help with a situation, we quickly seek assistance from people we know. We should instead first seek God for help and let Him direct us to anyone we need to talk to. Our help truly comes from God, not man. God will put the right people in our path to help us but only when we go to Him first.

  • In God's Time - Audio

    18/09/2022 Duração: 33min

    Do you know what it is like to wait on God? Why is it so hard for us to be patient, even though we believe God is at work? These are questions we all experience from time to time. God is there, but how do we wait? This message addresses those questions.

  • Seek God...and Use Discernment - Audio

    11/09/2022 Duração: 38min

    There are a lot of people searching for answers and searching for God these days. As we are doing this search, it is important to be able to recognize who and what we are finding before we draw conclusions or make commitments. The Word of God gives much guidance on this matter and it's important to know what God has to say when seeking Him. Here's a message just for you.

  • Overcoming Doubt - Audio

    05/09/2022 Duração: 43min

    Has God ever asked you to step out of your comfort zone? Change jobs? Did you answer by saying "Who me...did I hear you right, Lord?" We've all been there at one time or's called doubt. But the good news is that "doubt" can be overcome so that it doesn't rule our lives. Here's how.

  • Just Praise Him - Audio

    28/08/2022 Duração: 44min

    Praise is one of the most important and powerful aspects of our Christian walk. When we praise we can feel God’s presence and It allows Him to move in ways we didn’t know He could. Praising God lifts our mood and removes any burdens we may be feeling

  • Where's My Peace? - Audio

    21/08/2022 Duração: 38min

    Choosing a life with worry, even if the problem is small, will lead you to distress. Worry causes your problem to only get bigger. Problems appear smaller with the peace of God in your mind and heart. The question is, "how do I get this peace?" when I am in the midst of a storm? The Word of God answers this very important question. (Music Intro: "I Sing Praises to Your Name" by Kent Henry)

  • This Too Shall Pass - Audio

    14/08/2022 Duração: 38min

    We've all had problems that felt like it was lasting for an eternity. You may be experiencing one now. But rest assured, based on God's Word, this too shall pass. However, what do we do in the mean time? Here's a message you need to hear. (Music Intro: "I Sing Praises to Your Name" by Kent Henry)

  • The Battle for Your Mind - Audio

    07/08/2022 Duração: 39min

    There is a constant battle for our minds. Not only is this battle going on in terms of how or who we should worship, but it's ongoing as a part of our everyday life. We need to know how to win this battle by staying in line with God's Word. It is challenging, but we can win.

  • Passion Killers - Audio

    31/07/2022 Duração: 44min

    Passion killers are things that keep us from fully following God. They provide distractions and constantly draw our attention from doing the things God wants us to do. If left unchecked, passion killers can keep us from fully understanding what our purpose in life is and how we can use our talents to glorify God. (Music Intro: "I Sing Praises to Your Name" by Kent Henry)

  • Walking in the Spirit - Audio

    24/07/2022 Duração: 45min

    A reality of Christian life is that God wants us to walk in His Holy Spirit. Walking in the Spirit keeps us from falling victim to the many "untruths" that are out there, and helps us to remain victorious over the trials and challenges of everyday life. The question do we "walk in the Spirit"? Of course, the word of God has the answers. Join us as we discuss this important subject. (Music Intro: "I Sing Praises to Your Name" by Kent Henry)

  • How Much Do You Believe? - Audio

    17/07/2022 Duração: 44min

    Sometimes we forget about God's presence and power in our lives when we face uncertain and difficult times...and for sure we are living in uncertain and difficult times. But, according to God's Word we have Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, the most powerful force in existence, to carry us through any difficulties. But the question much do you believe? (Music Intro: "I Sing Praises to Your Name" by Kent Henry)

  • Christians and Politics - Audio

    10/07/2022 Duração: 42min

    We are living in such politically charged times that I have had many ask: “How should a Christian view politics?” This is a good question, because whether or not we are involved, these matters impact our lives while we are here on earth. As followers of Jesus Christ, what should be our attitude and our involvement with politics? It has been said that “religion and politics don’t mix.” Is that true? Listen to what the word of God shows us. (Music Intro: "I Sing Praises to Your Name" by Kent Henry)

  • Waiting vs. Patience - Audio

    03/07/2022 Duração: 45min

    Waiting and patience are not the same. The difference lies in what you are focused on, while God is preparing your blessing. If we lose patience as God is working behind the scenes, we may develop and execute a plan that causes more harm than good. (Music Intro: "I Sing Praises to Your Name" by Kent Henry)

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