Hit Publish



Amy Harrison shares winning tips and techniques for the beginning to intermediate-level online marketer. If you want to succeed as a digital marketer, but dont yet know enough to put all the pieces together, Amy has your back.


  • Website Colors: How to Choose and Use Them

    08/06/2015 Duração: 10min

    Let’s face it: if you’re not a trained artist or designer, color can be a tricky thing to use currently. When you’ve got your website colors working right, your brand will look polished, professional, and cohesive. But if you don’t get your colors right — or you simply use too much color, your website can... Listen to episode

  • How to Create a Winning Minimum Viable Product

    01/06/2015 Duração: 16min

    One of the best ways to make money with your online business is to sell products from the pages of your website. But what product? That’s the million dollar question. The worst thing you can do is spend time, energy, and money creating a product no one wants. To remove this risk, consider creating a... Listen to episode

  • Creating Visual Content: The Favorite Tools & Tips for Non-Artists

    26/05/2015 Duração: 18min

    You don’t have to be a trained artist to create stop-them-in-their-tracks images that boost your content’s effectiveness. These days, you can find easy-to-use free tools that will allow you to create beautiful images for your blog, website, and social media. This week on Hit Publish, I’ve invited three Copyblogger experts to share their best advice... Listen to episode

  • How to Roll Out the Red Carpet on Your Home Page

    18/05/2015 Duração: 14min

    Your home page makes an important first impression … and you only have one chance to make it. You have the opportunity to begin a long and fruitful relationship if you set your home page up to meet the needs of the people who land there. Or you can confuse them and turn them off,... Listen to episode

  • Clean Up Your Sidebar!

    11/05/2015 Duração: 15min

    Does your sidebar look like a cluttered closet that’s stuffed to the gills with distracting ads, images, and text? Time to unpack your sidebar, look at everything you’ve put there, and consider whether it’s pulling its weight. The result of your efforts? A sidebar that’s good for business. This week on Hit Publish, I’ve invited... Listen to episode

  • Button Boost: How to Label and Design High-Converting Buttons

    04/05/2015 Duração: 16min

    Your website visitor hovers over your button, deciding whether to click. It’s the moment of truth! There’s a lot more to creating a high-converting button than simply getting the design right. Whether or not that button gets clicked depends on the button label, the text around the button, and even the content on the rest... Listen to episode

  • How to Generate a Never-Ending Flow of Blog Post Ideas

    27/04/2015 Duração: 15min

    Ever find yourself scratching your head, trying to figure out what to write about on your blog? We’ve all been there. It’s tough to come up with blog post topics week after week, and it’s not easy to keep all those ideas organized, either. This week on Hit Publish, I’ve invited three Copyblogger experts to... Listen to episode

  • About Pages: How to Fascinate and Engage with Just One Look

    20/04/2015 Duração: 16min

    If you want your website’s About page to work, you have to answer one crucial question. And no, the question isn’t “how many years have you been in business?” It’s the one question that’s at the top of your site visitor’s mind. And if you answer it to their satisfaction, there’s a good chance they’ll... Listen to episode

  • A Personal Story about How to Lose Your Fear of Hitting Publish

    13/04/2015 Duração: 08min

    Your online business won’t go anywhere until you hit publish. Great content needs to see the light of day, and that means pushing past your fears on a regular basis. But how exactly is that supposed to happen? This week on Hit Publish, Pamela Wilson shares a personal story about compassion and fear. You’ll come... Listen to episode

  • Affiliate Programs: Why You Should Build a “Second Audience” for Your Business

    06/04/2015 Duração: 16min

    Want to expand the reach of your business and find new audiences for your products and services? An affiliate program could be the answer for you. Copyblogger’s affiliate programs run like a well-oiled machine, and in this episode of Hit Publish, you’re going to find out why. We want you to take advantage of our... Listen to episode

  • Images: How to Find and Choose High-Impact Photos

    30/03/2015 Duração: 13min

    Ever throw up your hands in frustration when it comes time to look for an image for your latest blog post? Let’s start with the bad news: a terrible stock photo is worse than no photo at all. The good news? There are more free stock photos available now than ever before! But you have... Listen to episode

  • Giveaways: How to Create an Irresistible Incentive to Join Your Email List

    23/03/2015 Duração: 14min

    Getting that opt-in to your email list is much easier when you offer an enticing incentive in exchange for an email address. But what should you create? And how will you ever find the time to make it? And what if no one wants it? This week on Hit Publish, I’ve invited three Copyblogger experts... Listen to episode

  • Website Blunders: How to Look Like a Pro (and Not Like a Fool)

    16/03/2015 Duração: 16min

    We all know we have just a split second to make a great impression online. Users hover over their mouses, ready to click away from your site if they don’t like what they see. There’s a lot riding on the quality of our websites. (No pressure!) This week on Hit Publish, I’ve invited three Copyblogger... Listen to episode

  • SEO: How to Sweat the Right Stuff

    03/03/2015 Duração: 29min

    Search engine optimization helps people find the useful content you’re creating. But does it need to be a full-time job? Today’s guests don’t think so. This week on Hit Publish, I’ve invited three Copyblogger experts to share their best advice on optimizing for search the easy way. Discover how to make SEO part of your... Listen to episode

  • Opt-in Pages That Convert: How to Build Them Now

    02/03/2015 Duração: 16min

    Opt-in pages. Get them right and you’ll be in business. Get them wrong, and your online business will be very quiet. Your email opt-in pages are a crucial player in your online business. They’re the first step in the (hopefully) long and fruitful relationship you’ll build with your prospects and customers. In this inaugural episode... Listen to episode

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