Your Life Now Show With Coach Rea Wilke



the"Your Life Now" show brings you powerful resources and effective tips to help you manage your life & your business at its best. Your Life Now Radio show invites experts, bestselling authors and thoughts leaders to share powerful tips and information. The show is intended to be for information purpose and thoughts provoking. Your host Rea Wilke aka Coach Rea is a Certified Executive Coach, Business Advisor, marketing and PR strategist, and Leadership Coach with the passion to help make the difference in the world.


  • How to Overcome Negativity Q and A with Coach Rea

    08/02/2018 Duração: 01h05min

    How to overcome negativity in yourself and in the world around you? Today we are answering your questions about negativity! Here are some of the questions we’ll try to answer in this episode. How can I avoid negative feelings? How can I let go of the past and start living in the now? How Can I deal with negative people especially family members that I cannot stay away from? What's the best way to deal with change? How can I stop Obsessive, Negative thoughts? How can I stop procrastinating? Why am I having hard time letting go of things that are no longer serving me in my life?   Disclaimer: The Your Life Now show is intended to be for information purpose and thought-provoking. By applying any of the information mentioned on the show you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your action. For more information please contact us at:


    25/01/2018 Duração: 01h11min

    What is emotional intelligence and how can it make the difference in our lives? According to our guest Dr. Don Booz, we all have the option to be more proactive instead of being reactive to our emotions. What if we can master our emotions, can we change the outcome in our lives and in the workplace? Does it all start with awareness? And why must we understand our options to prevent our subconscious programming from making choices for us? Here at the ‘Your life Now show’ we are delighted to have Dr. Don Booz back on the show to help us understand how we can become the master of our emotions. In his newly published book, “THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Primer” how to be the difference that makes the difference for today’s leaders. Don provides the readers with helpful tips and guidance on how to apply your emotional intelligence effectively in your life and in the workplace. Dr. Donald Booz is the founder of Booz and Associate, Inc., and an executive organizational development firm. His clients often describe h

  • How to turn your RESOLUTIONS into accomplished GOALS in 2018

    04/01/2018 Duração: 37min

    Happy new year everyone! It's a new year, new day, new opportunity to be and to do better than the year before.  It's this time of year when many of us get so excited and motivated to make New Year's resolutions, like becoming healthier, losing weight, get wealthier, wiser, etc. If you set New Year's resolutions and your resolutions look the same as last year, it's time for a new approach. It's time to examine your why, and it's time to turn those New Year's resolution into manageable achievable focused goals. In today's episodes your host Rea Wilke aka coach Rea will share with you a few suggestions and tips on how to turn your New Year's resolution into accomplished focused goals.   Disclaimer: YourLifeNow show intended to be for information purpose and thought-provoking. If you wish to learn more contact us:

  • 2018 New Year's Day Meditation to raise our ENERGY

    01/01/2018 Duração: 22min

    Happy New Year Everyone! Are you ready for a better year ahead? I know I am! Today is special show at special time. This show is done with the intention to help you go deep into the core of who you truly are and help you balance your energy with guided meditation to raise your energy and help you deolve old negative patterns and allow new energy that can help set you free from the old and welcome the new. Thank you for being here, disclaimer: The show is intended to be for entertainment only. Some of the information are adopted from different teachers and the music contribution are royalty free from different artists. If you like to know more please contact us at:

  • Why must We Shift into JOY and HAPPINESS in a World that is Full of Negativity

    14/12/2017 Duração: 47min

    How are you doing today beautiful people? How are you doing now?  It seems like the world around us is becoming so overwhelming with so much negativity and destruction. How are you doing with all of this? How can we shift into joy and happiness in this world and why we must shift? After all it’s the season to be jolly right? Are we really full of jolly and happiness or are we pretending that we are happy and joyful? In today’s episode we are going to focus on increasing and raising our vibration. We are going to think of the possible solutions to help us overcome the negativity in ourselves, in our thoughts, feelings and the negativity in the world and also how to deal with negative people in our lives. for more information please contact us at:   Disclaimer: your life now show is intended to be for information purpose and thought-provoking.

  • The Law of Giving and the Law of Success in Life and in Business

    16/11/2017 Duração: 01h02min

    What does giving have to do with being successful in life and in business?        Can you give for the sake of giving, and be generous for the sake of being generous? Why do you think successful, famous people give to their favorite charity or a cause and give to organizations that are dedicated to helping people making a positive difference in our world? Because they know about the law of Giving. According to “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” By Deepak Chopra the Law of giving is the second Spiritual law of success after The Law of Pure Potentiality. So why should you give to succeed in life and business? Join me on the air, as I share with you my insights on giving for success. I will also share with you some helpful practices to apply in your daily routine. “Make a decision to give wherever you go, to whomever you see. As long as you’re giving, you will be receiving. The more you give, the more confidence you will gain in the miraculous effects of this law. And as you receive more, your ability to g

  • Unlock the Secrets to TAPPING Success to Transform Your World with Mia Doucet

    26/10/2017 Duração: 52min

    Are you familiar with energy psychology and Meridian Tapping or "EFT"? Are you ready to uncover the unconscious programming that is running your life and learn the most effective way to tapping? Tapping is a set of techniques which utilize the body's energy meridian points. It's a “Universal healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional, and performance issues. In this episode our guest explains why tapping may not have transformed your life yet and what to do to improve your results. Have you been doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results to find yourself in the same place where you started? “Repetition of patterns” or as your mind refer to them as familiar memories that dictate your life. Are you ready to make profound changes in your life and in your bussiness? Are you ready to resolve the underlying issues that kept you stuck and find the answers and the healings you’ve been looking for? If you answered yes, we invite you to join us for this informa

  • Being of service versus selling

    19/10/2017 Duração: 33min

    When it comes to selling something, whether it’s a service or products, you need to take the word sell out of your vocabulary to be successful in so-called sales. To sell is to participate in an exchange transaction. But to be of service, is to be the solution provider for your prospects/clients’ needs. In this episode, I will share with you the importance of being a solution provider versus being a salesperson.   One must know, no one would like to be sold! They want to know that they can count on you to provide the right solution for their needs. You must view yourself as the expert and also as a consultant and more importantly, approach your prospects as clients. You should ask plenty of questions and carefully listen. Listen to what they are saying and what they are not saying. Do your best to differentiate yourself from your competition by becoming the expert in your own field. Here’s is a 101 sales tip: never underestimate the power of building professional relationships with your clients, they c

  • Let us HEAL the WORLD by healing OURSELVES first

    05/10/2017 Duração: 01h16min

    How can we make sense of the world around us? What can we do to find Peace, Love and Joy in a world full of hate and judgments? We are all part of the creation process! Our world is product of who we are as individuals. Let us all be part of the co-creation and not the destruction. We all need to accept the responsibilities on the individual level. Everything we do has its own ripple effect, so let us do good things to receive good things. Today’s episode is intended to be a message of hope and aspiration. We are here to spread love and to share some helpful tips on how to be love and how to spread positive energy and most of all, how to learn to coexist together in peace and harmony. We'll do a minute or two of silent prayers for those who were affected by the recent tragedy in Orlando. Executive Coach Rea’s special guest is Shaman Ted Soaring Hawk. Shaman Ted is an Energy Healer, Wellness Industry Consultant, Holistic Healer, Motivational Speaker, Intuitive Counselor, and Animal Holistic Energy Healer. Te

  • Are you alone in the crowd? Are you disconnected in a world that is so connected

    21/09/2017 Duração: 56min

    Is all these connection in social media and everywhere on the wide web making us more connected or disconnected? Is social media making us disconnected from each other? Are we becoming more and more antisocial and more disconnected from each other? Even though it seems like people today are more connected to one another than ever before in human history thanks to the Internet-based networking and text messaging but they are also more lonely and distant from one another in their unplugged lives! MIT social psychologists sherry Truckle, Phd said: our online conversations not only changing the way we interact online, it's straining our personal relationships as well."  How do young people feel about their social lives? Are they being isolated from the real world, or their personal relationships? When a young person says I would rather text than talk, are they hiding from each other instead? Maybe a phone call can reveal too much and they may not have enough control over what they want to say! Join us

  • Insights and the True Nature of Things

    07/09/2017 Duração: 30min

    We are back and happy be to be here with you again! Labor Day may marks the end of the summer season, but when you are present in the moment, the summer never ends. In todays episode Coach Rea shares with you some of her insights and moments with the intention to inspire you to do more and to enjoy more. What do we mean by insghts? "insight is the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding and appreciation of the things around us. What insights have gained this summer? Stay tuned for more with Coach Rea! For more information, please contact us at:   Disclaimer: The YLN show is intended to be for information purpose and thoughts provoking.

  • The Beauty and Nobility of Life: with Author Dr. Andrew Cort

    01/06/2017 Duração: 01h12min

    Can our real freedom, real opportunity and real life be found in our inner mental landscape that is free from mediocrity, ignorance and conformity? Can our view of the universe effects everything we do from the way we treat nature to animals, to each other to ourselves? Why is it so important for us to become more self-reliant, to discover and acknowledge who and what we really are? The YOUR Life Now show honored to welcome back our guest Dr. Andrew Cort the Author of “The Beauty and Nobility of Life”: The Restoration of Meaning in a World Overwhelmed by Commercialism, Scientism, and Fundamentalism.”   Dr. Cort believes that humanity can realize its own essential goodness, by realizing and by direct knowing of what is truly good and beautiful present in every human being. Andrew also believe that we cannot change the outer world unless we change what we are inside – and we cannot change what we are inside until we know what we are inside. Dr. Andrew Cort is an author, speaker teacher, attorney, Dr. of c

  • Memorial Day Celebration on the Your Life Now show

    25/05/2017 Duração: 15min

    Welcome to the Your Life Now show! We are so glad you are here. Please join us for this special Memorial Day Celebration and tribute to all the men and women who had served our country and those who are currently serving our country. We thank you for our freedom and for your service. I am honored to be American and grateful for my freedom. It’s not just for one day, we love you and appreciated you today and everyday thereafter. It’s May 25, 2017 and its special day! It’s “Red Nose Day”. It’s time to get silly. Go out there and have some fun, some laughter and give the kids in need and share the love. For more info go to: Next Thursday June 1st, we are honored to have Dr. Andrew Cort back on the show. Dr. Cort is a doctor of Chiropractic, author, speaker, attorney, and teacher. Andrew Deeply committed to education, spirituality, and activism. Next week we’ll discuss his new book “The Beauty and Nobility of Life”. The recipient of a 1st Place Gold award from Nautilus Book Awards, in the

  • Happy Mother’s Day Special

    11/05/2017 Duração: 01h01min

    Remember this Sunday is mother's day! How will you remember, celebrate, or honor the mother in your life? There is nothing more powerful than a mother's Love. Her love is unconditional, unlimited and forever pure. Join us for a special episode celebrating everyday moms and those who play a mother's role. Live on the air today at 2 PM EST/ 11 AM PST. Today we are celebrating Mother’s Day here on the Your Life Now show with heart to heart conversation with four different moms with very inspiring stories and their perspective on being a mother. I invited my own mother to join us on the air because she has an inspiring story to share. And this makes it even sweeter to celebrate with her on the air. I hope you enjoy the show and please give us your feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Happy Mother’s to all the moms Please feel free to contact us at:

  • Your Dream Your Vision Your Reality

    04/05/2017 Duração: 01h01min

    Without the dream, there is no hope! Without hope there is no life! Are you a dreamer? What do you dream about? What would it take to make your dream come true? The perfect dream that lead to the life that you want can be yours if you choose to claim it. What does your dream look like? What if your dream can come true, will you be ready to live it and enjoy it? Today’s show is thoughts provoking about life and the choices we make with our guest, kirk Spencer. Kirk is a holistic therapist “Holistic meaning mind, body and spirit”, Clairvoyant, Chi Kung master, speaker and blogger with big vision for life. Kirk writes on things to help people to think about common place things in a different light/way. For more information contact us at: Disclaimers: the Your Life Now show with Coach Rea is intended to be for information purpose and thoughts provoking. Please use your own common sense when applying any of the information mentioned on the show and question everything.    

  • How to drive ACTION not REACTION

    13/04/2017 Duração: 24min

    Are you action driven person? What motivate you to take action? What do you know about your action? What do you know about driving action not reaction? Remember, people will believe in you if you believe in yourself and your abilities to get things done. The first place to start is the first place. Knowing and learning are the key factors to taking action. The more you know about your goals and understand your action, the better you are in taking action. Understand your fear, and treat failures as assets that can help you take the right action. Know what works and what doesn’t work. Join us as we take a brief look at the way we take action and how can we forward knowing that we are taking the right action. For more details, please visit us at:  

  • SPRING into ACTION for SUCCESS with Coach Rea

    23/03/2017 Duração: 54min

    Positioning yourself and your business for success in 2017 continues with SPRING into ACTION for SUCCESS. Are you ready for the new season? Are you ready to plant the seed to your success? Happy springtime everyone! New season, new quarter and better way of doing things. Spring is the best time to evaluate your goals & your plans for successful 2017. What kind of progress have you made so far & what kind of tweaking or adjustment must you do to improve your life and your business?  If you’re looking for some insights and suggestions to help reinvigorate you & your Business and put that spring back into your action steps, you came to the right place. In this episode “SPRING into ACTION for SUCCESS”, Executive Coaching Award winner Rea Wilke aka Coach Rea will share with you some helpful suggestions and action plans, ideas and tips to help you & your business achieve the success you desire for the remaining of 2017.   Perfection is never the measurement of success, it’s your ACTION and your H

  • How to get EXTRAORDINARY results, BUILD TRUST and do what Great LEADERS do

    16/03/2017 Duração: 01h18min

    Would you like to learn how to bring your conversations to the next level of greatness? Are you ready to build the courage to engage in intelligence conversation that can improve your personal and professional relationships and get the result that you desire?   Did you know the key factor to success in life and in business is to become an expert at an intelligent conversation? Are you ready to break your addiction of being right all the time? Did you know everything happens through conversations? What kind of conversations are you having with your team, and in the whole organization? Are you getting the results you desire? Are you willing to get unstuck and begin creating new habits and change how you communicate with others? Do you have the ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others and to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships? In this episode, our guest Dr. Don Booze the author of “The Emotional Intelligence Primer for Today’s Leaders: How to be the differ

  • Building YOUR TEAM for SUCCESS

    09/03/2017 Duração: 42min

    Positioning yourself and your business for success continues with Building YOUR TEAM for SUCCESS. Did you know it takes a special kind of leader with special kind of skills to build a successful business and successful team? So do you have the right team on your side? Stay tuned for more details on building a successful team.  “Push your dreams; don’t let anything stop you from doing anything great for the world." ~Olatorera Oniru In this episode, the Executive Coaching award winner, Coach Rea will be sharing professional suggestions and tips on building your business for success. This episode is brought to you by: Your Life Now, LLC. We invite you to explore new professional prospective! Explore new possibilities or improve on your current action plans. Spring into action with our premium services! Contact us today and mention the word "SPRING" to receive a complimentary business evaluation from the Executive Coaching Award winner, Coach Rea Wilke! Contact us For more information contact us at http://ww

  • Your Health Your Habits Your Life

    16/02/2017 Duração: 43min

    Are you ready to make time for your health, for yourself and accomplish the rich life you desire? What does it take to be healthy? How does our attitude contribute into our own heath? How do you prioritize your life? What is your number one priority? Would you like to learn the common sense to good health? Is fear motivator factor? “If it’s not broken don’t fix it”. Please don’t wait for that to happen. Take care of number 1 (U) or you’ll be stepping into number 2. Are you ready to learn some helpful tips to stay healthy and achieve optimum health? Our guest today is Dr. Joe Kasper. Dr. Joe has Ph.D in Holistic Nutrition, master degree in physical education with a specialty in exercise science, master degree in education and health and he also received his Doctoral training specializing in Human Performance, and Doctoral training specializing in Aquatic Therapy, and Post-graduate training in Special Populations. For more information visit our website at:

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